Our Services

SCYS’s programs are for exceptional children, youths & adults with Autism, PDD, ADHD, Downs Syndrome, Learning Disabilities, Behavioural Challenges & Other learning, communication, behavioural disorders.

Our Multi-Disciplinary approach will benefit your child in a positive learning direction; our team will develop and ensure treatment programs are developmentally & age appropriate and monitored to ensure the best quality of programming is being provided. We incorporate the Principals of Applied Behavioural Analysis; along with other behavioural management, social and communication techniques taught by experienced/certified ABA therapists, ECE’s, CYW’s, to ensure each treatment plan is individualized to your child’s unique learning styles. Our program will allow children, youth & adults to work on individualized programs as well as focus on social skills & group activities.  

SCYS Clinical Team consists of a Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Social Worker, Behaviour Consultant, Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Therapist, Respite Workers, ECE’s & Communication Disorders Assistants. 

We are available Mon – Sun We work with families schedules to ensure we are there to support their child and ensure they are reaching their full potential.

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                                   ABA/IBI Therapy                                              Occupational Therapy                                             Speech Therapy 


                            Image result for behaviour                                         Image result for black children playing

                                Behaviour Management                                                                                                                                                   Camps